Step up campaign header


In 2021, the Anti-Defamation League Center for Technology published it’s manual pertaining to research and statistics regarding online harassment. On a social media platform-specific basis, it is no shocker that Facebook accounts for 75% of online harassment. While Instagram and Twitter trail behind as the second and third with 24%. These core statistics are the reason why my colleagues and I created a public service announcement campaign to “Step Up – Speak Out – and Stop the Hate!”

It is time to hold these social media platforms responsible! Based on the survey results from the ADL’s study- 81% of Americans agreed that these platforms should do more to counter hate online. 77% of respondents want platforms to be more transparent about how their algorithms order, rank and recommend content. 

infographic pertaining to our campaign

Special thanks to my colleagues who assisted with this campaign: 

Alaces Sarmiento – Script

Mitchell Hoalcraft – Script

Brendan Mulson – Script, Videographer, and Editor

Eddie Velazquez  – Research

Infographic and Additional Research by Nick Krasoski 

All information was provided by the Anti-Defamation League Center for Technology & Society 

Further Reading:

Online Hate and Harassment The American Experience 2021, Anti-Defamation League
