Coursework at State University of New York at Oswego (Undergraduate)

Here are some selected works during my time at State University of New York at Oswego BRC223: Integrated Media Writing and Design This course provides hands-on experience writing and developing content (text, images, audio and video) for integrated media platforms. Students will develop strategies for communicating effectively with online audiences by learning to write concise … Read moreCoursework at State University of New York at Oswego (Undergraduate)

Coursework at Onondaga Community College

Here are some selected works during my time at Onondaga Community College EMC169 Video Production I This course introduces students to the creative aspects and fundamental technical requirements of single-camera video field production. Topics covered include the mechanics of field camera operation, location lighting and sound recording, and basic digital video editing. Aesthetic principles such … Read moreCoursework at Onondaga Community College
